Investment Approach

The Tactical Total Return Strategy is invested in Exchange Traded Funds as well as individual securities. ETF’s are security portfolios that that provide broad diversification since they each include a dozen to hundreds of individual stocks or bonds. Each ETF represents a specific economic, industry, and geographic sector of the U.S. and international markets. PVG’s ETF holdings typically represent faster growing segments of the global economy. Portfolio management and security selection encompasses both fundamental and technical analysis and employs internal and external intelligence in the execution of the approach. Our ETF selection process includes identifying the attractively valued securities of companies that can grow sales and earnings at above average rates, and then identifying ETF’s that best represent such securities.

Investment Objective

This strategy seeks an attractive “absolute total return” for investors. The Tactical Total Return portfolio is invested in extensively diversified Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that represent broad economic, industry, and geographic sectors of the U.S. and international markets. In addition to ETF’s, the portfolio will opportunistically invest in dividend paying equities and closed end funds for yield.

The strategy aims to capture a moderate portion of rising stock and bond market returns while minimizing losses during falling markets. The key to our success is a disciplined multi-level risk management approach that reduces portfolio volatility and minimizes the risk of losing money during falling markets.

Risk Management

PVG reduces un-diversifiable market volatility and risk by hedging portfolios with inverse market index securities, stop losses and cash positions. Hedging tactics are utilized to reduce overall volatility of the portfolio, and may also result in minimizing losses that may occur in an unfavorable cyclical or secular market.

PVG is not a market timer.

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